Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Taming of the Shrew Essay Paper Example For Students
The Taming of the Shrew Essay Paper Shakespeare a notable dramatist all through the sixteenth Century composed numerous comedies and catastrophe plays to engage Elizabethan crowds. The plays were focused on all classes and ages, in the wake of being acted before Queen Elizabeth, and endorsed of. Sovereign Elizabeth was very feministic and The Taming of the Shrew faired well with the ruler. One of the main characters, Katherina, is extremely feisty and classes herself as better or possibly equivalent to men, something unbelievable in Elizabethan culture. Men were viewed as the predominant sex, where as ladies were relied upon to be sub-prevailing and frail. Their job was not to challenge the spouse, yet to help him; additionally ladies were viewed as an advantage for a wedded man. Purposes behind this way of thinking maybe lived in The Great Chain of Being, an idea acknowledged and followed by society at that point. These cliché perspectives on ladies were tested by The Taming of the Shrew. The play spins around four principle characters and an entire host of included foundation characters. There are two romantic tales going all through, which become tangled and progressively convoluted as the situation starts to get interesting and feelings go out of control. We will compose a custom exposition on The Taming of the Shrew Paper explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now One of the most confused parts of the play is that characters more than once take on the appearance of one another an idea taken from Commedia dellArte. Beguilement is likewise because of the emotional incongruity in light of the fact that the crowd know about the outfit tricks, where as the characters in the play don't. Current crowds probably won't discover a portion of the camouflage jokes comedic as they would consider them to be absurd and idiotic. Anyway Elizabethan crowds would have discovered this disarray among characters and visual jokes interesting as the vast majority of the crowd would not have been knowledgeable. The more complex pleasantry and punning would likewise depend on misrepresented activities and the droll amusingness so frequently found in Shakespearian plays something different taken from Commedia dellArte. This would assist with clarifying why there are such a significant number of scenes including misrepresented developments, and absurd activities, for example, when Katherina is battling with Petruchio. Katherina is the plays adversary. Broadly presumed all through Padua to be a vixen, Katherine is foul-tempered and harshly toned toward the beginning of the play. She continually affronts and corrupts the individuals around her, and regularly falls back on viciousness and wild shows of animosity. It is commonly seen that her unpredictable conduct is hereditary, anyway we now and then observe the genuine Katherina which could persuade that her conduct is the consequence of a wide range of variables; one being her desire for the way Baptista treats Bianca. She may act like a wench since she is hopeless and edgy. Notwithstanding, she is as yet an extremely searing character, a women's activist. Katherinas character tested the generalizations retained at that point, which ladies were just housewives, assets to be possessed by their spouses. This generalization incompletely occurred through The Great Chain of Being, which expresses that ladies are beneath men. Anyway the ruler at the time Queen Elizabeth I was a very feministic sovereign. Katherinas independant position would have faired well with the Queen as they followed similar standards. Katherinas conduct would likewise alarm Elizabethan crowds as it was unbelievable at the time this could give humor.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Timberland â⬠Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example for Free
Timberland â⬠Corporate Social Responsibility Essay How do Timberlands social obligation endeavors and high moral norms advantage the organization? Timberlandââ¬â¢s CSR (Corporate social obligation) endeavors advantage the organization in various ways: By including all partners be it customers, representatives or investors, Timberland guarantees that it isn't ââ¬Å"business as usualâ⬠however substantially more towards offering back to the network from which it determines food. By adding to the neighborhood network through PIES (Partners in instruction and administration) and different tasks, it guarantees that the nearby network is caused to feel like ââ¬Å"part of the familyâ⬠Timberland is attempted thirteen distinct undertakings with the neighborhood network and the employeeââ¬â¢s inclusion flashes what the administration calls a ââ¬Å"revolutionâ⬠in social equity. In the course of recent years, corporate America has been shaken by a progression of outrages including the top administration and the entire picture of these organizations had taken a serious beating. Timberland, by its CSR endeavors has guaranteed that every one of its partners have a positive methodology towards the organization and this causes it in its business endeavors. à à For what reason is the leaderââ¬â¢s individual inclusion key? By adjusting themselves to the social obligation endeavors, Timberlandââ¬â¢s the board has guaranteed that: Their own association guarantees that the workers are spurred and ââ¬Å"follow the leaderâ⬠in their endeavors towards CSR By letting representatives get a paid leave of 40 hours to contribute towards CSR endeavors, the authority of Timberland is sending a solid message to all the partners about its truthfulness and responsibility towards the network ventures The way that the administration was available at the gathering of volunteers to commence the CSR endeavors is a sign that ââ¬Å"everyone is involvedâ⬠. Timberland is endeavoring to make a brand personality for itself as a mindful and moral organization. Towards this, the initiative needs to guarantee that it doesn't fall into the mess of benefit driven exploitative conduct and rather draw in themselves with the network on the loose.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Research Proposal Management Essay
The number of inhabitants in Cameroon is one of differing backgrounds,with more than 260 clans with every clan having its own particular tongue. of which its indigenous populace comprising the Youthful and Middle age gathering. As the main pioneers of the domain comprising present-day Cameroon, the Bantus ought to give a solid social and financial base for the nation. However all through this grounds history, the Bantus have consistently been the section of the populace that has endured the most. Their misuse started when the Portuguese Å"discovered Cameron in 1472,later in 1884 came the German extension of Cameroon: and in 1919: Cameroon was isolated among France and Britain: lastly in 1960: was the Independence of French Cameroon, con After Cameroon picked up its freedom structure Britain and France during the 1960s, the subjection of the indigenous populace stayed dynamic during the time of restucturing and change. Since the principal Bantu-clans moved to Cameroon from North (Nigeria),The English talking have kept up the most reduced level in the financial progressive system of Cameroon since after freedom. The maltreatment all through these five centuries has been showed through the misuse of indigenous work, corruption of Indian culture, absence of political voice, and avoidance from social work programs, leaving indigenous zones without the essential social and financial framework for their headway. In Cameroon today, these attributes plague the regions with a high centralization of indigenous populace. The maltreatment of intensity and degenerate government rehearses for the benefit of the over a wide span of time Cameroonian President combined with the acknowledged conviction that the Anglophones took into consideration two unique universes to rise up out of Cameroon. One is progressively present day and industrialized, focused in urban territories in the Center district of Cameroon. It is this vision that pioneers of Cameroon effectively elevate so as to persuade the remainder of the globe that Cameroon has accomplished the status of a Developing or even second World Nation. The other world, escaped see, is that of the indigenous and laborer populace, that lives in contemptible poverty,misery and persecution. This gathering experiences a similar underestimation and abuse that it has suffered for as long as 50 years. In todays time of globalization, the circumstance confronting the Anglophone as they are brought in Cameroon stays dreary. As Cameroonians pushes ahead into territorial exchange understandings, the indigenous must beat their history and current condition of hardship in anticipation of progression. The Cameroonian government has started to enter the world market through financial advancement strategies started in the previous two decades. Probably the biggest wa the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The Cameroon government has started executing the WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation in July 2001, And the Communaute Economique et Monetaire de l Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) which built up an unhindered commerce area among Cameroon and most nations of the franc zone like Tchad,Central african republic, Congo. Gabon. What's more, Equatorial Guinea. States. Changes important for the usage of the WTO Agreement have end up being adverse to the indigenous populace in Cameroon and areas that were poor before the WTO are falling more distant behind. However the Cameroonian government keeps on furrowing forward, arranging bigger provincial exchange concurrences with its neighbors to benefit the effectively well off division of the populace, leaving the Anglophones open to advance minimization. A handy case of this underestimation is found in the south and northwest districts which are absolutely English spraking locales The Anglophones in Cameroon, whose social circumstance is one of the most hopeless in all of West Africa. need fundamental human rights, a political voice, schools, clinics, power, and clean water. As Cameroon drives further ahead with its financial changes, the couple of projects that had been set up to help the English talking have been revoked, and the Anglophones keep on being disregarded. From the beginning of time, these Anglophones have been revoked, and the Anglophones keep on being overlooked. From the beginning of time, these Anglophones have suffered destitution, misuse, and persecution, while endeavoring to revolt and touch off change. However no development has ever been effective. With the approach of WTO and further worldwide mix, the Anglophones understood their circumstance would possibly keep on compounding in the event that they didn't start to battle for change. To stop things my postulation paper analyzed both the show and inactive elements of Social work in the assurance of the indigenous populace inside the Cameroonian culture, explicitly in the English talking locale. It inspected the possibility for the Southern Cameroons National Council (S.C.N.C)Movement to meet with future achievement; breaking down the job that Social work will play in this developments adequacy. Globalization, with its expanding connectedness and spread of innovation could end up being a helpful device during the time spent picking up solidarity and backing. Or on the other hand globalization could consider the hole between the rich and poor on both a national and universal level to develop, leaving the poor sections in insensibility. This issue isn't constrained to Cameroon. As the world economy has gotten progressively related, the development of trans-national social developments may create genuine ramifications for residents in numerous countries. On the off chance that these dissent developments increase enough help, each individual alive can possibly be influenced somehow or another. To achieve this exploration, I have perused and will keep on perusing numerous books, magazine, paper, and diary articles on the historical backdrop of Cameroon, the treatment of the indigenous populace, advancement arrangements that have been executed, and the S.C.N.C Movement.
Friday, May 29, 2020
Religion in Candide - Free Essay Example
Hypocrisy in Religion In this paper I will elaborate on the hypocrisy of religion from the book Candide. In this novel the author Voltaire focuses a lot on the judgmental aspects of religion and how certain people in charge are immoral to what they stand and believe in. There are many points in the novel where Voltaire makes certain comments which picks at the false virtue by certain leaders. Within Candie, Voltaire uses characters who actions are caused by what are told and what they believe in and sometimes that falls into bad situations for that individual which then turn into horrific moment from the churchs perspective. In the book the main character is Candide, a boy who is the protagonist, has a good heart and is also viewed as nave young man. He is being mentored by a man named Pangloss who teaches him that the life in which they live is the best possible life. Candides faith in Pangloss has kept his optimism tested. Meanwhile Pangloss on the other hand is a Philosopher and is an optimistic person but from his own life experiences it contradicts his own beliefs, but at the end of the day he still is faithful. The third character is Jacques/John- The Anabaptist who is a Dutch Anabaptist who cares a lot for Candide and Pangloss and is also willing to help anyone. The fourth, fifth and sixth person were the Franciscan friar who a thief, the Catholic Inquisitor who was supposed to be a faithful and honest to his wife but had a mistress and the last one was the Catholic priest who apparently lying to the congregation when he told them that he was celibate but was out having sex. The hypocrisy of religion can be viewed from when an earthquake had occurred, and people believed that they must sacrifice innocent lives in order to please God, but in that aspect they are disobeying God because they are killing people. But from my perspective what happens if an earthquake incident occurs rapidly does that mean you keep sacrificing innocent people to save yourself? This book is can be view with some socialist perspectives because it has similarity of social class division meaning it shows examples on those who are classified with the terms ?wealthy and non weatlhty but in this case you are seeing this between religious groups. One example I can start of with is there was a storm which led to the ship being in danger of being destroyed and James the Anabaptist rushes to help a sailor who is in danger of falling of the ship and into the water and being the Anabaptist that he is, the sailor tries to save himself but in return James falls in the water and doesnt receive in help. So, this where the hypocrisy starts because it shows how the good can perish while evil prevails and continue to live. We see that outside the book in our own society where priest, bishop and fellow worshipers can be so righteous and follow any book and whatever it says, and state that everything that is done in the dark will come to the light, but in this case within the b ook, the Anabaptist looses his life by someone who was only looking out for themselves but then, you may ask yourself But John the Anabaptist is supposed to be one step higher than man but one step lower than God. The second example is from when Candide thought everyone who was Christian were good people and always sought out to help others. But in this case Candide attends a sermon about religious views giving by the Pope and asks for some food but instead of being shown hospitality, he is denied and laughed at. In this scenario of hypocrisy of religion, it shows you how some people assume Christians are always good and vow to be good but dont follow through their actions. The last example I can think of is when Candide is robbed at Saints fare in France. In this case, Im pretty sure that no one who attends a religious event would think of being robbed because from my perspective and others I assume, you should be doing good towards other instead of hurting someone. Not only does t his book focus on religion itself but social issues whereas there is a colonel who is supposed to be a heterosexual and against homosexual but, he has some characteristic of a homosexual person. A lot of these men that I have stated from the book are examples of religious leaders who claim to be good but, are hypocritical of their own moral standards or beliefs. But in the end my main problem and this is coming from the book is that whether you believe in something or have different moral beliefs is you dont need to be judgmental and discriminative because someone is different. To me that is the best part of being different, it allows you to be true to yourself. I believe its exhausting to be someone else and following certain traditions. Its also stressful because you unable to live your life and be happy because your stuck in a system where you have restrictions. I can just imagine myself having so much anxiety because of making the wrong move repeatedly. Another thing Ive come across while reading Candide and the hypocrisy of religion is that some people in novel are dealing with regrets because of decision they made that they believe were good to them and was the right thing to do but to certain groups/organizations you have disobeyed them and God and now have to live with regret for the rest of your life because you made decision that y ou thought was good. Just thinking back to when Candide was denied food from the Priest, in his mind he knew he didnt do anything wrong but still searching for answer on why he was turned plays a big part on a person self-esteem.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Implementation Of School Uniforms - 1243 Words
Syanne Chhan Mrs. Gallos English III Honors 18 April 2016 Title of Your Report A newly popular, controversial issue debated upon is the implementation of school uniforms. In the United States, school uniforms have become more and more widespread. Although, some schools disagree with the requirement of a school uniform and decide to require a school dress code instead. The pros and cons of a school uniform are very controversial. Deciding whether a school uniform should be implemented is not a black and white issue. Arguments to support school uniforms state that school uniforms create an altogether better environment for students. This better environment in turn, creates more learning and a greater sense of focus from students. Someâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(Cons, Pro) Requiring all students to wear the same uniform creates less diversity and causes students to become more dedicated in their academics. By doing so, uniforms, ââ¬Å"take away the daily fashion show and helps level the playing field a little bit with the haves and have-nots,â⬠(Sweeney, Emily). Relating to the less diversity that uniforms create in schools, uniforms can decrease the formation of cliques and gangs. Due to the fact that all students are dressed the same, members of a certain gang can not be identified. Another positive about implementing uniforms is that students can be easily identified and the identification of an intruder or outsider can take place easily. Uniforms create pride and unity throughout a school. Some experts believe that uniforms help students to, ââ¬Å"develop a stronger team mentality among the student body,â⬠(9 Serious). Uniforms can in turn, increase school spirit. This is possible, again relating to, the students all wearing the same or similar uniforms and decreasing the variety of outfits throughout a student body. Some arguments that are seen as positives for enforcing school uniforms are controversial because critics believe the arguments are not valid. Due to the fact that all students are dressed the same and less variety of outfits are prevalent, critics state that school uniforms deny students the ability of self-expression. Critics, ââ¬Å"argue that kids
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Platos Allegory of the Cave and Advertisements - 1889 Words
Julian Figueroa (#30973127) 1 An Allegory of Advertisements How does Platoââ¬â¢s allegory influence the way we consume art today? Every minute of every day, millions of people are exposed to advertisements. They plague televisions, streets, radio waves, and all means of communication. These advertisements employ many methods of persuasion and their influence is irresistible. Just like prisoners in Platoââ¬â¢s Allegory of the Cave, we are told every day to invest our time and interest into the subject of these advertisements, and to accept the forms of reality they serve us. Whether it be a commercial for a must-have new car, to a spot featuring desirable fast food, or to magazines with photoshopped models; we are seduced to accept these falseâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Another example would be political commercials, which skew the truth in a variety of ways. From showing an out of context quote from their opponents, to showing themselves speak to a crowd with uplifting music in the background, politicians use the art of media to manipulate the public from seeing the truth. Advertising is a very sharp form of communication from puppeteer to prisoner; and it directly relates to Platoââ¬â¢s allegory. Most of us accept these false forms of reality regardless. Millions of people watch misleading commercials for a product, but they still purchase it in the end. Millions of people knowingly vote for politicians who offer false promises and deceptions, but they still return to vote for the same people in future elections. Like the repetitious cycle of puppeteers feeding prisoners art in the allegory, Julian Figueroa (#30973127) 3 consumers of today lust for producers to fill their fair supply as well. So how do we exit this cycle? Through education and enlightenment. Plato believes that any ruler of men must pursue in ââ¬Å"calculation, geometry, and all the preliminary education required for dialecticâ⬠(536d). He also believes that ââ¬Å"no free person should learn anything like a slave.â⬠(536e). Therefore, one must exercise in their own free will to truly become educated. Plato believes that to be truly educated, one must question and study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. By doingShow MoreRelatedWhy Does Plato Considers Ordinary Human Existence to Thatos Chained Prisoners in a Cave1618 Words à |à 7 PagesPRISONERS IN A CAVE? Plato in his famous Allegory of Cave compared the ordinary human existence to that of chained prisoners in a cave. According to Plato, we are all stuck in a false reality in this world like prisoners in a cave. His cave theory still applies today in the sense that the people are influenced and controlled by the world around them. They do not want to realize or seek the truth; instead they wish to live in the comfort zone inside the cave. THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE: PLATO,Read MoreWhy Does Plato Considers Ordinary Human Existence to Thatos Chained Prisoners in a Cave1633 Words à |à 7 PagesPRISONERS IN A CAVE? Plato in his famous Allegory of Cave compared the ordinary human existence to that of chained prisoners in a cave. According to Plato, we are all stuck in a false reality in this world like prisoners in a cave. His cave theory still applies today in the sense that the people are influenced and controlled by the world around them. They do not want to realize or seek the truth; instead they wish to live in the comfort zone inside the cave. THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE: PLATO, REPUBLICRead MoreMass Media in America Essay730 Words à |à 3 Pages The early Greek philosopher, Plato, wrote an allegory explaining how people are chained together and forced to only watch a blank wall with passing shadows. Although people in this day in age think that human kind is extremely civilized with itââ¬â¢s satellite tv and dvd players, media has us chained and controls what we see. The media finds us by radio, newspaper, and television. As Platoââ¬â¢s Allegory of the Cave depicts people as being deep in a cave, staring at illusions on the wall, people todayRead MoreAllegory Of The Cave Vs Social Media Essay1779 Words à |à 8 Pageswith an impaired perspective of everyday life. In the allegory of the cave, Plato explained what it would be like to experience an impaired perspective of life. So how does the allegory of the cave represent social media today? By using symbolism to show that the real world was not the world of ou r experience, much like social media outlets perceives in todayââ¬â¢s world. Plato in The Republic, described a group of people in a cave, and in that cave they were bound and chained with no ability to lookRead MoreThe Metaphysical Realm Of Garbage2077 Words à |à 9 Pageskeywords that strike me here are ââ¬Å"cosmetic perfection,â⬠ââ¬Å"damaged goods,â⬠and ââ¬Å"expectation.â⬠I think of Platoââ¬â¢s Allegory of the Cave in this context, and believe that the emergence of our technological era contorts ideas of nature. The form of information we receive from social media and news sources project a representation of natureââ¬â¢s beauty. What holds us back and makes us these prisoners in the cave of modern society is our expectation of cosmetic perfection in what we believe nature isââ¬â preserved
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Welcome Speech free essay sample
The Welcome Speech is must in a formal meeting. It is normally the president who delivers the welcome speech or the welcome address as it Is formally known. Some guidelines : 1. Salutation : This is the first formal speech in a meeting. It is the duty of the spellchecker to start building a bridge between the audience and the people on the dais (Incidentally, the stage is called Dais pronounced days and not days) and so, his salutation will Include the names and designations of all the people on the dais. 2.General Welcome : It is my pleasant duty to welcome you all to this meeting. . History : A few words about the past events those which happened before the event that is happening. 4. Purpose of the meeting : In the formal set up, the purpose of the meeting should be explained to the audience so that they will start expecting something out of the meeting. We will write a custom essay sample on The Welcome Speech or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 5. Individual Welcome : All the people on the dais who are not members of your organization need to be Individually welcomed. The order is first, the most important person for that meeting, generally the chief guest.Followed by the guest of honor, If any. Do not begin the Individual welcome by saying. when we went to meet Mr.. Our chief guest This is irrelevant. Similarly phrases like Who readily accepted our invitation Who has come here in spite of his busy schedule These are clicks and spoil the impact of your speech. It would be much nicer to say : We are honored with the presence of We welcome you Sir. A long pending desire has been fulfilled today with the presence of Mr. Midst, I welcome you, sir. In our 6.Specific Welcome : Welcome the VISP in the audience, not necessarily by name, such as, The past presidents of our chapter, presidents of the Rotary and Lions Clubs, Foreperson present In our midst. 8. Conclusion : l hope you will have a pleasant evening Thank you. It is not necessary to say, On behalf of this organization and on my personal behalf This is another click. The fact that you are standing on the dais denotes that you are doing so on behalf of your organization and it does not matter whether you personally want to welcome someone or not!!!The welcome speech in the biggest of meetings, should not last for more than 5 minutes. A normal meeting requires only a 2 minute welcome speech. QUESTIONS from audience are a welcome sign. It shows they have listened to you. Answer if you can, otherwise ask all present to answer. Do not bluff. Do not feel hurt. Answer with wit, tact and humor. Answer short and sweet. Be at your best. NEVER try to recall what you had written rehearsed. Speak as it comes to you naturally. It will be far superior to the write up. IGNORE if you have erred and no one noticed. ADMIT correct if it is pointed out.
Friday, April 17, 2020
To Determination the Partition Coefficient of Ethanoic Acid Between Water and Butan-2-Ol Essay Example
To Determination the Partition Coefficient of Ethanoic Acid Between Water and Butan-2-Ol Paper To determination the partition coefficient of ethanoic acid between water and butan-2-ol. Procedure 1. The room temperature was recorded. 2. 15cm3 of the given aqueous ethanoic acid and 15cm3 of butan-2-ol were poured into a 100cm3 separating funnel, using suitable apparatus. The funnel was stoppered and was shook vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes. (The pressure in the funnel was released by occasionally opening the tap. ) 3. 10cm3 of each layer was separated approximately. (The fraction near the junction of the two layers was discarded. ) 4. 10. cm3 of the aqueous layer was pipetted into a conical flask and was titrated with 0. 1 M sodium hydroxide solution using phenolphthalein. 5. Using another pipette, 10. 0 cm3 of the alcohol layer was delivered into a conical flask and was titrated with 0. 1 M sodium hydroxide solution. 6. Steps (2) to (5) was repeated with another separating funnel using the following volume: 25cm3 of aqueous ethanoic acid and 15cm3 of butan-2-ol 7. For each exper iment, the ratio of the concentration of ethanoic acid in the aqueous layer to that in the butan-2-ol layer was calculated. Result Room temperature: 29? Volume of butan-2-ol: 15 cm3 |Volume of 0. 2M ethanoic acid / |Volume of 0. 1M NaOH titre for |Volume of 0. 1M NaOH titre for|Partition coefficient | |cm3 |aqueous layer / cm3 |alcohol layer / cm3 |K= | |15 |10. 00 |12. 55 |0. 796 | |25 |12. 10 |15. 60 |0. 76 | Conclusion The partition coefficient of ethanoic acid between water and butan-2-ol is : = =0. 786 Discussion 1. Shaking is necessary in step (2) because it made it faster to attain equilibrium state. 2. When temperature increases, the solubility of the two solvents increase. But the rate of the increase in solubility are not the same, it is expected that the partition coefficient varies with temperature. 3. The aim of titration is to find the concentration of the solvent, but not the total number of mole in the solvent. We will write a custom essay sample on To Determination the Partition Coefficient of Ethanoic Acid Between Water and Butan-2-Ol specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on To Determination the Partition Coefficient of Ethanoic Acid Between Water and Butan-2-Ol specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on To Determination the Partition Coefficient of Ethanoic Acid Between Water and Butan-2-Ol specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Therefore, the volumes of the aqueous and alcohol solution used in the titration must be known as accurately as possible in order to find accurately concentration. The aim of adding aqueous ethanoic acid and 2-methypropan-1-ol is only to leave the mixture to equilibrium and provide enough solvent for the titration. Therefore the amounts of aqueous ethanoic acid and 2-methypropan-1-ol need not be measured out accurately. 4. The following assumptions are made: a) The temperature of the mixture remained constant throughout the experiment. This assumption was valid as it was felt (by hand) that the temperature of the separating funnel did not changed throughout the experiment. b) Ethanoic acid, water and butan-2-ol are non-volatile and do not evaporate slowly. This assumption is not valid because there is a smell of alcohol over the separating funnel. That means that there are particles coming out from the mixture in the separating funnel. 5. Solvent extraction is more efficient if the extraction solvent is added in small portions several times instead of all at once. Therefore it is more fficient to extract a solute with two 25cm3 portions of solvent rather than with a single 50cm3 extraction. 6. The applications of the partition law: a) By partition law, the KD can be found experimentally. The amount of the solute that can be extracted using solvent extraction can be predicted, instead of using other complex method. b) By partition law, we know that the amount of solute extracted is more when the extracting solvent is added in several small portions instead of all at once. 7. Butan-2-ol is much lighter than water. Therefore butan-2-ol is at the top of the mixture while water is at the bottom.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Pablo Picasso1 essays
Pablo Picasso1 essays have always had an interest in art but nothing major. All throughout high school and grade school I attended art classes and always seemed to enjoy them more than my peers. It wasn't until I attended this art class that I realized that art is more than just paint and water. It is what ever you make of it. Being that I never painted before that also means that I've never studied any artists either. While completing my art assignments this semester I have also been reading about a certain artist on the side. No one could ever get me to pick up a book before but something in this art experience made me do it on my own. The man that I have been studying is not only intriguing but is beautiful and entertaining in his own ways. Not only is this man a legend but has taught me to look deeper into a work of art because you could find your own meaning of life. This man that I speak of is non other than Pablo Picasso. Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881. His family had lived in Day, Nancy. Animal Experimentation. New Jersey, 1994. Dolan, F. Edward. Animal Rights. New York, 1986. Farm Sanctuaries. Online. Netscape. Available. PETA. Online. Netscape. Available. http:// PETA. Online. Netscape. Available. http:// PETA. Online. Netscape. Available. http:// PETA. Online. Netscape. Available. http:// PETA. Online. Netscape. Available. http:// Pets Alive Animal Sanctuary. Online. Netscape. Available. August 1999. ...
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Forfeiture of Rockies Oil to its Interests in the Farmout Agreement Term Paper
Forfeiture of Rockies Oil to its Interests in the Farmout Agreement - Term Paper Example Rockies Oil should not forfeit its interest in the Farmout Agreement, as it is quite clear from current situation that Aussie Oil has succeeded in producing results and there are better chances in future, as the involved parties anticipate that Bigger Field will produce twice as much oil as expected. Previously Rockies Oil regarded that all their money got wasted because of failure of first two oil wells but with the recent success, the company has some hope in the newly drilled well and also the coming explorations. Therefore, the joint venture should be retained. As for now, Rockies Oil has not paid for the third well. Aussie Oil asked the company to pay $ 400,000 for the third well but it refused to pay because of previous failures. However, now, there can be some arbitration process hiring three arbitrators, one from Aussie Oil, one from Rockies Oil and one neutral to resolve the dispute so that Rockies Oil can get its share in the production of oil from the third well along with Bigger Field. Nevertheless, in this situation, the company has to bear the costs involved in digging the well and the coming costs for new tests. The fact should not be looked over that risks are involved in every business. MSOC (Molvanian State Oil Company) has refused to consent the assignment of Farmout interests to Rockies Oil because the company has not paid the costs for the third well and also refused to buy a new SUV to the Financial Officer of MSOC for inspecting Bigg and Bigger Fields. MSOC should be made to allow Rockies Oil to continue with the Farmout Agreement and for that, there should be some dealing with the company. A representative should be sent to sort out the issue with MSOC and the objections of the company should be notified and resolved accordingly. Rockies Oil after its merger with Scots Oil Co. can share the information about the third well because, after the merger, the new company will be its part then. Rockies Oil shouldà wait till the merger is finally done.Ã
Monday, February 10, 2020
Pop culture across cultures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Pop culture across cultures - Assignment Example Walt Disney`s personages are often charming, attractive, and mostly traditional: princesses, princes, animals with extraordinary powers, villains. Disney chooses not to risk as Pixar producing films about an old man mourning his late wife or about a lonely robot cleaning the planet Earth from trash. So it was another good old story about a beautiful big-eyed and wasp-waisted princess who was waiting for true love to get rescued. But something went wrongâ⬠¦ In a couple of months after the release of the animation film the world got literally infected by ââ¬Å"Frozenâ⬠-mania. The name of the main character became one of the most popular baby-girl names in Scandinavian countries and in Britain (not to mention America). YouTube got flooded with the videos in which the whole families, including toddlers and grandfathers, sing the songs from the animation film. I personally was impressed by the video of the head of the school who announced winter vacations with his own variant of ââ¬Å"Let it goâ⬠. Children were ready to wait for more than five hours to meet Elza, Anna, and Olaf in Disney World. The hashtag #TheColdNeverBotheredMeAnyway got incredibly popular in so unexpectedly different groups and communities in Twitter and Instagram. The main theme of ââ¬Å"Frozenâ⬠got a number of interpretations starting from divorce and autism and ending with the concept of homosexuality and transgender ( Lynskey). The answer why children are obsessed with ââ¬Å"Frozenâ⬠seems obvious at first sight. It is the Walt Disney studio, it does not make bad movies, the company invests thousands and millions of dollars to make its animation colorful and realistic and attracts the best composers to create incredible soundtracks. But that is their general policy, and the number of films they produced before ââ¬Å"Frozenâ⬠were made according to this high standards. I looked through the movies Disney created last five-six years and realized that I did not know the name of a
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Fiji Water Analysis Essay Example for Free
Fiji Water Analysis Essay Introduction Corporations like FIJI Water are forced into having Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Corporate Social Responsibility is the idea that businesses need to give back to society as much as they take away. Although companies like FIJI Water produce some type of product for consumers, in this circumstance water, they are compelled to give back as much as they take away. The issue companies have to deal with is whether they really have CSR, or if they are just green washing to make people believe they are socially responsible. ââ¬Å"The 10th Edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary recognizes the word ââ¬Å"greenwash,â⬠defining it as, ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢Disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image.â⬠ââ¬â¢ Environmentalist make it their job to eliminate any green washing by bringing to light companies negative impact on society and proving outrageous claims to be over exaggerated or completely false. Environmentalists compel companies to reduce, if not eliminate their carbon footprint on society through exposing how wasteful they are to society. Every company in order to be successful has to recognize this issue and do their best to resolve it, otherwise their company will tank. Companies like FIJI Water have to walk the fine line of CSR and green washing. FIJI Water LLC, has proved to be a tough competitor in the market of selling bottled water. They have overcome trials and set-backs and have kept their image of a premium quality brand of water. They have done their very best to become socially responsible over the years and had to use the idea of green washing to exploit their product. How FIJI Water Came to Be FIJI Water was started in 1996 by David Gilmour, one-time partner in Clairtone Sound Corporation Limited. FIJI Water is a U.S.-based business and brand of bottled water derived, bottled, and shipped from the Fiji Islands. It is available in 330ml, 500ml, 1 liter and 1.5 liter bottles.à According to marketing materials, the water comes from an artesian aquifer in the Yaqara Valley of Viti Levu. A good way to identify what FIJI Water is all about is in their mission statement which reads, ââ¬Å"FIJI Water, the worldââ¬â¢s finest water, is committed to quality and excellence in our product, people, profitability, and strategic partners. We are dedicated to communicating the passion and unique properties of our brand to consumers worldwide and continuing to invest in the future while preserving and cherishing the pristine source.â⬠They have marketed their product towards wealthy people who could afford to pay more to drink water. Their main marketing drive was that the product was far from pollution, acid rain, and industrial waste in the island nation of Fiji. The way their product differed from other water bottling companies is that the FIJI Water was drawn from an artesian aquifer that lies hundreds of feet below a primitive rainforest. The idea being that distance and isolation is part of what makes FIJI Water so much purer and richer in taste than other bottled waters. Corporate Social Responsibility FIJI Water has a few marketing and CSR campaigns to help address the issue of social responsibility and to give their product more attention. FIJI water was seen as being extremely wasteful. To take a naturally occurring product like water and use the resources to ship it half way across the world was thought to be ââ¬Å"water insanityâ⬠. ââ¬Å"In response to this protest, the company launched a new promotion campaign under a slogan ââ¬Å"every drop is green,â⬠only to be immediately accused by environmentalist groups of engaging in green washing activities.â⬠At the same time that this was happening, FIJI focused on its contributions to the local communities in Fiji. As environmentalistsââ¬â¢ criticism increased over the years, FIJI Water LLC launched a ââ¬Å"carbon negative campaign, claiming that it was the first bottle water company to release carbon footprint of its products.â⬠This was part of their push towards the slogan ââ¬Å"every drop is greenâ⬠. The Company estimated its total annual carbon footprint at 85,396 metric tons of CO2eq.à They were also able to calculate their carbon emissions at each stage of the product from production to distribution. They started at the production of raw material to running the plant, to getting it to the markets, to even refrigerating the product. It did this to try and eliminate as much carbon footprints as possible. The VP of the company, Mooney, argued that, ââ¬Å"the only way consumers can turn their environmental intentions into good decisions is to give them the information they need regarding the emissions with the products they buy.â⬠This made customers aware that they were actively looking at their operations and doing something about it. To most people, it didnââ¬â¢t really matter what, as long as they were trying. Sustainability The results of their work were impressive. They were able to accomplish the following: reduction in packaging by 20 percent, supplying 50 percent of the energy used at its bottling plant with renewable energy, optimizing logistics to be more carbon-efficient in transportation, restoring grasslands in the Yaqara Valley by planting trees, and supporting recycling programs for plastic PET bottles. With their new image as a socially responsible company they were more sustainable in the fact that they were giving back. They summed up their operations in a PR pitch: a sale of every bottle of FIJI Water would result in a net reduction of carbon in the atmosphere! The question remains, are they giving back enough? To ship a naturally occurring product half way across the world seems pretty ridiculous to those who care about our earthââ¬â¢s resources being wasted. Green Washing Conservation group didnââ¬â¢t buy it. This absurd claim, along with ââ¬Å"every drop is greenâ⬠was green washing at its finest so they thought. In Section 53 of the Commonwealth Trade Practices Act 1974 it prohibits a corporation from representing that ââ¬Å"goods or services have sponsorship, approval, performance characteristics, accessories, uses or benefits they do not have.â⬠They were in direct violation of this. The Greenwash Brigade were some of the most professional environmentalist that were known for exposing this kind ofà behavior. In June 2008, they published an article titled ââ¬Å"Fiji Water by the numbers,â⬠which summarized the terrible environmental impact of the company. Some facts that came out of that were that there were 5,500 miles per trip from Fiji to Los Angeles, 46 million gallons of fossil fuel, 1.3 billion gallons of water used, 216 million pounds of greenhouse gases emitted. These were staggering amounts of energy, water, and fuel being used, especially for something that is naturally occurring! The Impact of the Nay-Sayers These conservationists had a big impact on the company in forming who they are today. Without bringing this information to light, nothing would be changed. They would just fly under the radar without being criticized. We need the nay-sayers to motivate companies to change so they wonââ¬â¢t use up our limited resources. The fact of the matter is that every drop of FIJI Water is not green, every drop is imported! These environmentalist help prevent green washing and provide important research behind their accusations of companies. In 2007, Pablo Paster, an engineer and MBA, undertook a thorough and exhaustive study of the cost of bringing a liter of FIJI Water to America. His study found that, ââ¬Å"In summary, the transport of that one kilogram bottle of Fiji water consumed 26.88 kilograms of water (7.1 gallons), .849 kilograms of fossil fuel (one liter or .26 gallons) and emitted 562 grams of Greenhouse Gases (1.2 pounds).â⬠One can only imagine the effect that has on our en vironment. Conclusion Overall, Fiji was able to show flexibility in changing for the times. They established credibility among the community through addressing concerns of others. At first they tried to hide from the answers needed by consumers and conservationists and even used some green washing to help get their product through the tough, trying times. They used the idea of green washing to their benefit by making outrageous claims that had to be proven false initially, but in time they held to it as best they could. They had to be vague at first, but later specified their goal in operations. Comparatively to most companies, FIJI Water has a great Corporate Social Responsibility in that they have done significant things to try and eliminate their carbon footprint through efficiency and planting more trees. Going forward, the company will have a hard time living up to becoming a carbon negative company. They need to keep on their path of fulfilling promises made to invest in renewable energy equipment and to off-set that with continuing to plant trees abroad. FIJI Water has especially helped the local community surrounding Fiji. They have established good CSR with the five neighboring villages. They have supported childrenââ¬â¢s educations in helping them get a good start. In pre-schools they have provided equipment, educational material, teacher training and other support. In March 2002, the company voluntarily established an independently administrated community development trust fund and allocated FJ$275,000 to it. That is a great use of their resources. They also support village projects to improve hygiene and sanitation as well as provide portable drinking water. FIJI Water is a benefit to society as a whole. They have used their resources to give back to our planet and help others in need. More [ 1 ]. James McMaster and Jan Nowak, ââ¬Å"FIJI Water and Corporate Social Responsibility ââ¬â Green Makeover or ââ¬Å"Greenwashingâ⬠?, May 2009, Ivey Management Services. [ 2 ]. N.A., ââ¬Å"FIJI Water,â⬠, 2012. [ 3 ]. N.A., ââ¬Å"Mission Statement,â⬠, N.D. [ 4 ]. Ibid. [ 5 ]. James McMaster and Jan Nowak, ââ¬Å"FIJI Water and Corporate Social Responsibility ââ¬â Green Makeover or ââ¬Å"Greenwashingâ⬠?, May 2009, Ivey Management Services. [ 6 ]. ââ¬Å"FIJI Water Becomes First Bottled Water Company to Release Carbon Footprint of Its Products,â⬠April 9, 2008, [ 7 ]. Ibid. [ 8 ]. Ibid. [ 9 ]. ââ¬Å"FIJI Water Becomes First Bottled Water Company to Release Carbon Footprint of Its Products,â⬠FIJI Water Press Release, Los Angeles, April 9, 2008, [ 10 ]. James McMaster and Jan Nowak, ââ¬Å"FIJI Water and Corporate Social Responsibility ââ¬â Green Makeover or ââ¬Å"Greenwashingâ⬠?, May 2009, Ivey Management Services. [ 11 ]. Heidi Sigelbaum, ââ¬Å"Fiji Water by the numbers,â⬠June 6, 2008. [ 12 ]. [ 13 ]. McMaster and Nowak, ââ¬Å"Natural Waters of Viti Limited ââ¬â Pioneering a New Industry in the Fiji Islands.ââ¬
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Soliloquy Essay - Theatre and Language in the Soliloquies of Shakespear
Theatre and Language in the Soliloquies of Hamletà à à The first Folio is prefaced with an address to the reader to "Read him again and again". In terms of words and action, Hamlet is the most self conscious play about its own theatricality. Words and actions throughout the play are inextricably linked, as is the notion of "playing" a part. From the outset of the play we see evidence of the external show compared with the underlying reality. In Act One, Hamlet's speech to Gertrude (Nay seems...etc) shows us the Prince talking about actions that a man "might play" and also about what is "inside" him which "passes show". (NB "Action" in Elizabethan definition meant "acting") Throughout the play we see inner reality beneath the surface performances of not only Hamlet, but other characters, too. Hamlet has only "one-liners" at the beginning of the play until we hear his first soliloquy, which is an attempt to look at "that within, which passes show". The soliloquies create a bond between the character and the audience and were a dramatic convention inherited from Greek drama. By the time of Shakespeare they had moved away from commentaries on the plot and events of the play and had become illustrative of the inner thoughts of the character. In the soliloquy the character tells the truth as he perceives it, although "truth" is subjective and can have different meanings for different characters. In Hamlet we have seven soliloquies, five major and two smaller ones, and Hamlet's character is revealed through them as the play progresses. à Hazlitt - "This is that Hamlet the Dane...whom we remember...but all whose thoughts we know as well as we know our own..Reality is in the reader's mind..It is we who are Ham... to the grave. Hamlet describes himself as "Crawling between earth and heaven". Shakespeare's audience would have had a physical picture of this before them, which added great weight to the imagery of his text, as of course would the scuffle over Ophelia's corpse. At the end of the play Hamlet stops musing and the language becomes very direct and simple, "there is a divinity.." "the readiness is all". In the final scene Hamlet "acts" in all senses of the word, and "theatre" takes over. The final speeches are terse and contain references to the theatricality of the occasion. he refers to the "mutes" (extras on stage) and the "audience to this act". Fortinbras commands him to be "carried to the stage", perhaps a last comment on a play which is characterised so much as actors playing to actors in a kind of Chinese box puzzle of outward show and inner secrets. Ã
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Pass or Fail Poem Essay
There are many perceptions on the poem Pass/Fail and what it really means. I However, see this poem relating in life in general. There are many quotes in this poem that remind me of the obsticals in life. The way people expect us to fail, and even we dont want to fail it will happen. I like this poem because it is very true and up to date. The tone of this poem mite be very discourging but in my eyes it is also very encourgeing. Some people also relate this poem to test anxiety , I can also relate this to lifeââ¬â¢s anxiety. There are always obtiscals in life that we face. In this poem it says ââ¬Å"No matter how you succed awake, asleep there is a test waiting to be failedâ⬠(1252). Yes this can be realted to school but I see that in life no matter what you do there is always a test that you can either fail or pass. We mite not relize that they are tests but each and eveyday god gives us test that we can either pass or fail. They are almost the same as test in school becaus e if you fail you can be punished for them with bad grades, and in life you can be punished with consequences. The author said â⬠The dream beckons with two dull pencils, but you havent even taken the courseâ⬠(1252). I can relate this to life because with a dream all you have at first is a dream starteing from sctract not knoowing what can happen. Two dull pencils can relate to this because you do not know what your getting yourself into and the trails that come along the way can be very dull . Of course you dont know what can happen because you havent lived your future and thats a course itself. Many people expect us to fail. ââ¬Å"When you reach for a book it closes its door in your faceâ⬠(1252). I can relate this to life because everytime you try to do something productive or good , there is always something that will hold you down from doin this. Every time you think you got something right its wrong in somebody elses eyes. ââ¬Å"When you conjugte a verb it is in the wrong languageâ⬠(1252). I believe that whenever your even holding a conversation with someone they mite think that your grammer is wrong. No matter what you do , basically your wrong in some type of way in anybodys eyes. ââ¬Å"You willl never graduate from this dream of blue booksâ⬠(1252). Yes this qoute is talking about school , but agian I percieve this as a statement saying that success is not in your path. However this is what other people can say upon you, but its only you who can determine your path.I Iike to think of this poem as a very inspirational poem, because its so discourging it kinda gives you motivation to prove you can pass and succed. Even though we might fail we still learn from our mistakes. I like how in this whole poem the author is very discourging but at the end she says â⬠Turn to the cool sideâ⬠(1252). So even though there mite be all of these obtisals and faliures awaiting for you thre is still a cool side. She says â⬠You will still smother in all the feathers that have to be learned by heartâ⬠(1252). I believe this statement is very true, beacuse no matter what you do or say in someones eyes you are wrong. However , along the road you will learn all about your mistakes along the way ,leading you to know what not to do or say. So whenever you do have an anxiety about a test, trial of life or anything you will always know in the back of your mind you will at least know what not to do or say. I like how she says they will be learned from the heart , beacuse when people do say you fail or your wrong it always hits you in your heart because maybe you tried so hard and you still were told you were wrong. I just love how this whole poem can be percieved. The tone is very discourging but is very true, because in this world you almost have to be perfect and no matter how hrd you try in anything there is always something wrong in what you do. There is always a new test awaiting for you tommrow, it doesnt nessicarly have to be in school it can be in life and that can give you anxiety itself. When you asleep you dont know what test is awaiting for you tommrow. Even though you may think your right your not always going to be perfect in anybodys eyes. Everythime you think your a step ahead life itself brings you ten steps behind, always giving you something to work for . The road itself in life can be very hard and dull , but either way you look at it your either passing or failing. Which should always give you the motivation to pass because of the many faliures and embarrasements in the past that have been learned from your heart.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Alzheimer s Disease And Its Effects On The American...
Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease is one of the most devastating degenerative diseases affecting the American population. It is one form of dementia. Dementia is a group of conditions characterized by impairment of at least two brain functions, such as memory loss and judgment. Symptoms include forgetfulness, limited social skills, and thinking abilities so impaired that it interferes with daily functioning. Alzheimer has very few treatment options even though it is increasing globally. Recently environmental exposures have been studied as a catalyst for the onset of the disease. This paper will review how genetic, biological, medication and sociological factors can increase the risk of Alzheimer onset. Even though Alzheimer s is being researched, it was not a commonly known disease and many aspects of it remain intangible. In 1901 Auguste D. family brought her to Dr. Alzheimerââ¬â¢s after noticing Auguste problem with memory, impaired comprehension, and unpredictable behavior. Dr. Alzhe imer treated Auguste till her death in 1906. He performed an autopsy on her brain and discovered dramatic shrinkage of the cerebral cortex, atrophied brain cells, fatty deposits in blood vessels, neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Plaques and tangles in the brain are two of the main features of Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease. The third is the loss of connections between neurons in the brain. ( Scientists have long thought that environmental andShow MoreRelatedThe Graying Of Our Population879 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Graying of our Population A country is considered to be graying when the average age of its citizens rises to the point at which the majority of the population is considered to be older. The largest generation of Americans were born between 1946 and 1964. The people that were born during the 18 year period are referred to as Baby Boomers. As of 2012, Baby Boomers made up nearly 25% of the total U.S. population of approximately 315,000,000 (CNN, 2014). 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